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For a tea break ...


If you're not the one then why does my soul feel glad today?
If you're not the one then why does my hand fit yours this way?If you are not mine then why does your heart return my call?If you are not mine would I have the strength to stand at all?

I never know what the future brings
But I know you're here with me now
We'll make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with

I don't wanna run away but I can't take it, I don't understand
If I'm not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am?
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?

I don't know why you're so far away
But I know that this **much** is true
We'll make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with
And I wish that you could be the one I die with
And I'm praying you're the one I build my home with
I hope I love you all my life
'Cause I miss you, body and soul so strong that it takes my breath away
And I breathe you into my heart and pray for the strength to stand today
'Cause I love you, whether it's wrong or right
And though I can't be with you tonight
You know my heart is by your side

If I don't need you then why am I crying on my bed?
If I don't need you then why does your name resound in my head?If you're not for me then why does this distance maim my life?If you're not for me then why do I dream of you as my wife?

From the mermaid fairy tales and HENRICH HENE poems


"A mistress stood by the sea
singing long and anxiously
She was so deeply stirred 
By the setting sun"...


From a very young age I was enthralled with tales of mermaids, a radiant and beautiful creatures singing such beautiful  melodious.

And I often cried when the story end, while I want to hear more and often asked if it has the later part, at that time mom used to patiently explained that story not always have a happy ending

From the prince:
"....Nightly I see you in dreams-you speak,
With kindliness sincerest,
I throw myself, weeping aloud and weak
At your sweet feet, my dearest.

You look at me with wistful woe,
And shake your golden curls;
And stealing from your eyes there flow
The teardrops like to pearls.

You breathe in my ear a secret word,
A garland of cypress for token.
I wake; it is gone; the dream is blurred,
And forgotten the word that was spoken."

I was so sad at that time, and hate the prince so much as his blinded and foolish for not knowing who he loves and who loves him.
But still, i believe in such strong silent love, that start with the caring and sacrifice unconditionally, and can overcome challenges.
and that kind of true love can not see with our eyes, hearing with ears that must have been  felt sincerely with the heart.

And she cries  when singing the last song ...
" Last minute I would rather not say
Not be able to speak 
Pink hearts about to melt into the bubbles, 
Then the waves will pick me home 
 Out there dawn is about smiling 
 You'll wakes up and i no longer be at 
 Sea brokes out as my broken hearts 
 Waves are painful rolling me in
 Happy painful, or  happy sweet 
 I don't mind take what most bitter 
 To keep a love not be lost 
 Oh the wind, please hold my kisses for you
 I know can't say anything more 
 As before me only a dark chasm 
 In my eyes the dawn has gone 
And my sun is shining in the bottom 
 No monuments that tell for me
 When even my heart is not known 
 No shared, my heart so ache 
Day go through don't ease that away
Came to you no hesitation 
Now i gone with no regrets 
Tears run into sea, soluble here with salt
 Forget me don't linger over me 
I die but my love still there
 Still live for you forever 
 And if an entire life I have not talked 
 Sea waves will speak instead of me...."

Still, i believe that is not an end, when the ocean waves still singing the never ending love songs. 
One day, another man will go find her.
One day, true love will begin. No more tears, no more sadness.

Don't know if i can learn to love like sand, no mater how being trampled and disturbed, just need the waves come holding and embrace, my heart then will be peaceful 
I love you since the day the mermaid has cried all her tears into the salty ocean

If only

Life is such chasing after a colorful balloon name happiness
just like we used to have dreams, 
but for me it was a very far away and long dream 
but does not mean you may failed to get it. 
Because love is weird too much.
and i believe...

If only ...
Woke up this morning,
 i still lying in your arms ... still feel the warmth from your breath ... and ... still ... then close my eyes, I felt a kind of simple happiness that was so sweet!

If only ... 
Woke up this morning,
I still get the kiss of passion from your lips ... still overlapping hands ...  still burying my ear in the chest hearing someone had the same heart beats with mine ... For it is ... I fainted drunk in a little love! 

If only ... 
Woke up this morning,
I still see your face, still see someone smiling eyes blinking, still hear your voice incredibly adorable ... and still... then my eyes teem with constant waves of love  
Life has never been so much pink!

And if only... our dream will be true like i feel never more true than that....

Close your eyes to see


" The cold wind blew, 
so I awoke from my dream 
but now, I don't know where I am
This road, which I think I've seen before 
is becomming blurry by the snow "

Did you ever get up in a fine normal day suddenly wondering if you're lost, and how strange the world is, as if you just be slowed down compared to the flow of life around you several days...

The familiar melody of an old song rang in a small corner coffee shop makes me think of you and our memories.
Some day like today. I feel want to feel more. Close my eyes to see more. Turn off radio and my music to hear more.
The world moves in a very fast pace like it has always been,  and just want to slowdown a bit to enjoy being simple.
Like a break to be faster and back to your normal cycle full with hard works, exercises, and projects. I need it.

I was heard some where ppl said "Immense ocean has nothing frightening than the secret"
And you know you are still on your way even you feel lost.

Some day, like today, when you feel dark and lost, will you send me a frowning face, so that i can help you and smile again with you.

How many times you want to start again one thing?


And for how long?

Some one asked me whether i can be sure for my future, or my final destination through this journey.

Well, i don't know either.

Future is something cant touchable, cant even holdable, then oneday you will finally find some thing, by some how, after your own journey, and that may not even be what you really think about, but that you'r really looking for.
ur right, when i watched Kungfu panda 2 again, beyond all the playfulness, and after all that cute little fun things, I saw a different message, the present is always the most important tense.

And I'm pretty sure about what my happiness made of now.
A day begin by the circle of wheel or circle of earth?
Riding on street feel my feet tied by the circle of life ...

A life begin since the heartbeat of mine or of the one i love
Closing eyes to feel that life is the circle of your arms in mine....

Copyright © 2010 • Everyday in trouble • Design by Dzignine